British Executions

William Field

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: burglary

Date Of Execution: 23 Aug 1783

Crime Location:

Execution Place: York

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


William Field of Errenden (?) guilty of a burglary in the dwelling house of John Sutcliffe in the parish of Stansfield (?) on 16th January 1783: stealing therefrom 15 pieces of Irish Linen (valued at £20), 10 silk handkerchiefs (valued at 20/-), 2 dozen gauze handkerchiefs (valued at £3), 100 cotton handkerchiefs (valued at £10), 100 check handkerchiefs (valued at £5), 6 pieces of printed cotton (valued at £10), 4 pieces of Cambric (valued at £10), 10 dozen worsted stockings (valued at £10), 10 dozen thread stockings (valued at £10), 10 pieces of linen (valued at £10), 2 pieces of fustian (valued at £5) 1 piece of printed cloth called tean (valued at £3), 3 pieces of cheque (valued at £5), 1 piece of scarlet woollen cloth (valued at 2.10/-), 40 knives (valued at 10/-), a pair of silver buckles (valued at 10/-), a crown piece and a half-crown piece,